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7 مشاهدات
في تصنيف تعليم بواسطة (15.3ألف نقاط)

Ali said that he (was–is –has –can) at home waiting for me

1 إجابة واحدة

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بواسطة (15.3ألف نقاط)
أفضل إجابة

Ali said that he (was–is –has –can) at home waiting for me


The correct verb tense to use in this sentence would be "was."

Explanation: In reported speech, when the reporting verb (in this case, "said") is in the past tense, the verb tense in the reported speech needs to shift back one tense. Since Ali said this in the past, we would use the past simple tense "was" to indicate that he was at home waiting for you.

اسئلة متعلقة

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1 إجابة 66 مشاهدات
0 معجب 0 شخص غير معجب
1 إجابة 6 مشاهدات